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founders, cbs, iron, monkey, jersey city, bar , restaurant

St Patty’s Day-Founders CBS Beer Draft at The Iron Monkey

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Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) is Imperial Stout comprised of a smooth brewed blend of coffee and imported chocolates aged in spent bourbon barrels that have most recently aged Michigan maple syrup. It’s pretty damn rare to snag one of these babies (in case you didn’t know), and we can think of no better way to celebrate Saint Patty’s Day then by celebrating our crazy love of craft beer. We’ve got a serious case of the feels for this brew and thus were offering it at $12 a glass in order to spread the love.

Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) is going on tap in our main bar THIS Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17th, at 7:30pm. Due to the rarity of this delicious brew we are holding a “Beer Draft” in advance. From March 6th – March 16th we are accepting entrees to participate in our “Beer Draft”. In order to participate call The Iron Monkey at (201) 535 5746, or stop in and give us your name and email. ONLY ONE number will be assigned to each email. Thus if you are planning on coming in a group, each individual will have to give their email in order to receive a number. CBS can only be purchased with a Beer Draft number. On March 9th we will start sending out emails with your “Beer Draft” number. On Tuesday March 17th at 7:30PM we will begin calling out draft numbers. *YOU MUST BE ONSITE AND PRESENT A PRINT OUT COPY OF YOUR EMAIL BEER DRAFT NUMBER WHEN YOUR NUMBER IS CALLED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE YOUR BEER*