American Craft Beer Week Bingo Card

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American Craft Beer Week

American Craft Beer Week is about celebrating the elements that make craft beer in America so special. In 2018, is encouraging you to seek the independent craft brewer seal when you’re out this week. The seal is a symbol that you’re drinking beer from a truly independent brewery. Take the American Craft Beer Week pledge and get free stuff too.


You can celebrate American Craft Beer Week at breweries, beer bars, bottle shops and local restaurants near you. If you’re low on ideas, we created this handy American Craft Beer Week Bingo card to get you started.

(VISIT: Find a U.S. Brewery)

Enjoy American Craft Beer Week, and when you see the seal, take a photo and post it to Instagram with the #seektheseal hashtag. Our editors are always looking to share your photos.

Cheers to small and independent brewers and the beer lovers who support them!

Jess Baker walked into a beer fest in 2010 and realized beer had come a long way from what her dad had been drinking since the 70s. She served as editor-in-chief of from spring 2016 to spring 2020, bringing you stories about the people who are the heartbeat behind U.S. craft brewing. She's a runner, a die-hard Springsteen fan, a mom who is always scouting family-friendly breweries, and always in search of a darn good porter.