Beer Styles
Belgian Styles
Belgian-style ales offer unique flavors with a high level of enjoyment. Generally speaking, it is the particular yeast that contributes the fruit and spice characteristics commonly associated with Belgian-styles. Additionally, some styles in this group may receive the addition of Belgian candi sugar that can be noticeable in the ale’s character.
Belgian-Style Blonde Ale
The Belgian-style blonde ale is typically easy-drinking, with a low but pleasing hop bitterness. This...
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Belgian-Style Dubbel
The Belgian-style dubbel ranges from brown to very dark in color. They have a malty sweetness and can...
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Belgian-Style Golden Strong Ale
The Belgian-style golden strong ale is fruity, complex and often on the higher end of the ABV spectrum,...
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Belgian-Style Pale Ale
The Belgian-style pale ale is gold to copper in color and can have caramel or toasted malt flavor. The...
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Belgian-Style Quadrupel
The Belgian-style Quadrupel is amber to dark brown in color. Caramel, dark sugar and malty sweet flavors...
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Belgian-Style Saison
Beers in this category are gold to light amber in color. Often bottle-conditioned, with some yeast character...
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Belgian-Style Tripel
Complex, sometimes mild spicy flavor characterizes this style. Yeast-driven complexity is common. Tripels...
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